The Shipping (Survey) regulations, 2008

These regulations apply the Caribbean Cargo Ship Safety Code to vessels operating in Antigua and Barbuda and to Antigua and Barbuda registered commercial vessels of less than 500 tons operating on international voyages in the Caribbean Trading area.

Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act, 2006

This is the primary law of Antigua and Barbuda relating to the registry of ships and the maintenance of safety standards.  As primary legislation it provides the powers for the Minister to make regulations and the Director to make Directives.

Directive 003 2013 (rev 1)

This Directive has effect from 1 June 2013.  It establishes the definition of Safe Haven for vessels operating under the SCV Code and it establishes the limits that are determined for Protected Waters and Coastal Waters by ADOMS.  Additionally, the Directive contains...