Marine Casualties

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Reporting Marine Casualties and Incidents

  1. Under the Small Craft Control Regulations owners or operators are required and have a duty to report accidents/incidents to ADOMS by completing an incident report form  and submit to under the circumstance outlined below:
    • If a vessel is involved in an incident that results in injury to a person who requires medical treatment beyond first aid, but no admittance to a hospital, or that causes minor property damage, within 14 days of the incident.
    • If a vessel is involved in an accident that results in a fatality, injury to a person who requires admittance to the hospital, or major property damage, the owner or operator shall notify  the Royal Police Force and the ABDF Coast Guard, as soon as possible, with a copy to the Authority/ADOMS.
    • If a vessel is involved in a accident that results in a spill that causes severe damage to the environment, or the potential for severe damage to the environment brought about by the damage to the vessel, the owner or operator shall notify the local authorities and relevant port state as soon as possible, with a copy to the Authority/ADOMS.
  2. This information is important as it will assist ADOMS in determining if an investigation into any reported incident is necessary.
  3. The sole objective of an investigation is the prevention of future accidents through the ascertainment of its causes and circumstances and is not intended to determine liability or, apportion blame.   

Upon completion of the investigation, a report is produced which provides recommendations and highlights lessons learned.

Marine Casualty / Incident Reports