The Small Craft Act, 2015

This Act applies to small pleasure craft operating in Antigua and Barbuda waters and the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services (ADOMS) is responsible for Registration, Licensing and Regulation. It includes private/pleasure operations on inland waters and...

The Small Craft (Control) Regulations 2017

These regulations apply to small craft licensed in Antigua and Barbuda , or operating within Antigua and Barbuda waters, irrespective of whether the small craft is also licensed or registered under any other law in Antigua and Barbuda.

Code of Safety for Small Pleasure Craft – SCC Code 2017

This is the 2017 version of the Small Craft Control Code that applies to all pleasure craft  operating in Antigua and Barbuda waters of less than 24 metres in length, whether non self-propelled, power driven,maneuvered by oars, or poles, or under sail. It also...