Code of Safety for Small Commercial Vessels – SCV Code 2021

This is the 2021 version of the Small Commercial Vessel Code that applies to vessels operating commercially, trading in the Caribbean Trading Area (which includes Antigua and Barbuda waters), which are 5 metres or more in length overall and less than 24 metres in...

Circular 2020- 001 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

This Circular is to provide all ADOMS Clients and relevant Stakeholders with information and binding direction on the application of procedures due to port restrictions resulting from the outbreak of the COVID -19 virus.

The Small Craft Act, 2015

This Act applies to small pleasure craft operating in Antigua and Barbuda waters and the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services (ADOMS) is responsible for Registration, Licensing and Regulation. It includes private/pleasure operations on inland waters and...